
Rob a Robe
Pauline Bastard
Jennifer Beteille
Louise Boghossian
Corentin Canesson
Lorraine Châteaux
César Chevalier
Claude Closky
Lauren Coullard
Philippe Decrauzat
Marcel Devilliers
Ligia Dias
Kim Farkas
Antonin Fassio
Arthur Fouray
Frédéric Gabioud
Mathieu Gargam
Daiga Grantina
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster
Michel François
Sylvie Fleury
Antoine Giraud
Tarik Kiswanson
François Lancien-Guilberteau
Damien Le Dévédec
Rafaela Lopez
Jean-Philippe Lucas
Gabriel Méo
Justin Meekel
Tricia Middleton
Nouvelle Collection (Kim Bradford, Marie Benoite Fertin, Matthieu Brion, Alexis Chrun, Ludovic de Courson, Robin Garnier-Wenisch, Tania Gheerbrant, Caroline Grout, Dounia Ismaïl, Mahalia Kohnke-Jehl, Aurore Le Duc, Laure Mathieu, Garush Melkonyan, Sarah Nefissa Belhadjali, Lulù Nuti, Julia Pitaud, Lucie Planty, Camille Raimbault, Claudia Tennant, Elsa Werth & Marie Glaize)
Néféli Papadimouli
Pierre Paulin
Kristin Reiman
Juliette Roche
Louise Siffert
Zoé de Soumagnat
Anafaia Supico
Eva Taulois
Thibault Tavernier
Alexis Tolmatchev
Virginie Vallée
Manuel Vieillot x Lois Blamire
Sara de la Villejegu
Demelza Watts
Camilla Wills
Alicia Zaton

A proposal by DOC!

Paris, France

Photographs: Paul Nicoué
Graphic design: Baldinger·Vu-Huu
Rob a Robe is a collective project: it aims to challenge, through the dialogue of changing rooms and staging, the exhibition room of Doc. An open invitation to the resident artists of Doc and a few external artists, Rob a Robe focuses on the clothing medium as much as on its mode of presentation: artist editions, ordinary clothes, sculptures… about thirty artists venture to find a free form in the attire: clothing becomes an excuse to try to bring together what cannot be confined or defined.


Exhibition Making
Arthur Fouray
a plus o minus

before Arts

A utopia researching
times as clouds of 
rumors, for works
are complex words, 
and arts shifting 



Curriculum vitæ

Many thanks for reading.

Special thanks to Béatrice & Alain Fouray.

Copyright © 2024 Arthur Fouray.
All rights reserved.